Related kills & losses
Battle in ZVN5-H, EZA-FM, PVH8-0, M2-CF1, PC9-AY, JH-M2W (Syndicate), 30-10-2018 (06:26 - 06:27)
Friendly (1)

Pilot/Ship/Kills Corp/Alliance
Roham Tahkim
N° 1
0 %
Team Americas
Intergalactic Space Hobos
Hostile (1)

Pilot/Ship/Kills Corp/Alliance
Andrius the White
Victorieux Luxury Yacht
N° 0
0 %
The Warehouse on 47th Street
Solitude Coalition

  • Combined Fleet Battles Mod 0.2.3 Original Code by Quebnaric Deile
  • Enhanced and updated for EDK4 by Salvoxia

EDKATX theme by Vecati