Item details - ElectroPunch Ultra M
ElectroPunch Ultra M
The project to adapt Arcing Vorton Projectors into ship-based weapons required the development of a high-capacity energy source for the new weapons. Ship capacitors are powerful but the immense bursts of energy required to fire Vorton Projectors called for the development of one-shot Condenser Packs capable of retaining ultra-high charges and rapidly discharging them at need. In a novel and elegant solution to the problem of cabling burnout in the projectors, the material of the Condenser Packs is designed to be rendered down into a pool of nanites the ablative nanocabling of the weapons can draw on.

Upwell's ElectroPunch Ultra brand of Condenser Packs are advanced charges designed to deliver a pulse of power tuned to develop arcs dealing balanced high damage at very short ranges.
Cargo capacity 0 m3
Mass 0 kg
Volume 0.0125 m3
Baseprice 0 ISK
Mass 0.01 kg
Capacity 0 m3
EM damage 402 HP
Explosive damage 0 HP
Kinetic damage 379 HP
Thermal damage 0 HP
Range bonus 0.5 %
mainColor 11835778
Charge size 2
Used with (Launcher Group) Hybrid Weapon
Volume 0.0125 m3
radius 1
Primary Skill required
requiredSkill1Level 1
Capacitor Need Bonus 25 %
Tech Level 2 Level
Base Shield Damage 0
Base Armor Damage 0
Meta Level 5 Level
entityFlyRangeMultiplier 0.5
Explosion Velocity Bonus 0.75 %

EDKATX theme by Vecati