Corporation details - Unplanned Catastrophic Disassembly [UCAD]
Alliance: Daughters of Ane CEO:
Kills: 0 HQ:
Losses: 0 Members: 21
ISK destroyed: 0.00B Shares: 1000
ISK lost: 0.00B Tax Rate: 1%
Efficiency: 0% Website:
Mining? Gas huffing? Losing ships in the least entertaining ways possible? That's us!

Want to mine or huff with us? We have
boosts! Occasionally, they're even the right kind of boosts for the activity in question. Well, when the mining foreman isn't drunk, anyway. You can't beat that. Not even with a stick!

Need suggested ships and fits for these activities? We can provide some. No guarantees they're optimized or even effective, though. You are strongly encouraged to theorycraft and analyze anything you get from our members.
Always remember, "Free advice is worth what you paid for it."

Refining and reprocessing? Yeah, we got a guy. Sometimes he skims a little off the top for himself, so watch him closely. But, you're guaranteed to get something back, you know?

Looking for hauling? We can move all the things for our esteemed colleagues. Cover the JF
fuel costs per m3 of your goods, maybe a little extra for the space truckers and cyno pilots, and we'll call it good. It's even slightly more than semi-likely your stuff will get there, too! Be warned, however, this isn't a German light rail operation. There's no hard and fast schedule or an in-born drive to make sure "things run on time."

PVP? We suck at it. Don't get us wrong, we've done it. In HS, LS, NS, j-space. Exceptionally poorly, sure. But, it's always almost-but-not-quite as fun as it is frustrating. The best part of dying in Eve is, well, you can't really die! Re-ship, make the long, slow, painful trek back home, and do it all again another day. That's what we're paying for, right?
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