Corporation details - Scorpion Tracks [SCTKS]
Alliance: The CodeX Alliance CEO:
Kills: 0 HQ:
Losses: 0 Members: 7
ISK destroyed: 0.00B Shares: 1000
ISK lost: 0.00B Tax Rate: 5%
Efficiency: 0% Website:
Welcome to Scorpion Tracks, a place for new players and veterans alike. We welcome players from all across New Eden, and encourage players to develop their Capsuleers to be the best at whatever it is they wish to be. Scorpion Tracks is a Corporation that wants to push back the boundaries of unexplored space - and as such we focus on exploration: either on your own or with a group in a small fleet. Serching out the so-called "Ghost Sites" (Data and Relic sites), wormholes, Pochven, and unknown areas of space are all places we encourage members to visit. In addition Scorpion Tracks also provides security details for freighter convoys, mining operations, and any other situations. We have activities that involve Fleet Ops, Spec Ops, and Black Ops (BLOPS).

Scorpion Tracks' goal is to become a competative, financially-dominant, player-driven Corporation in the region. We support operations that help us with our main activities, as well as encourage players to develop their own means of generating income or just enjoying playing the game a few hours a week. We provide a fun and supportive place for players to grow, assist with skills, and ship fittings, PvE, PvP, and Industry.

As an NBSI/NPSI Corp, we strive to keep things drama-free. This is an 18+ Corp, meaning members must be at least 18 years of age. We do try to keep things clean, but this is a mature Corp that deals with mature things.

One of our other main activity is role-playing. Contrary to belief this is not some type of erotic, sexting, group who get's their jollies by reducing serious role-playing in degenrate sex and inappropriate innuendos. Our RP faction, the Scorpion's Den is a place for those interested in role-playing online or a place to come check out. Interested parties can join the chat channel
Scorpion's Den for more information.

Scorpion Tracks operates under a heavily-modified version of Eve University's (EveUni) Rules of Engagement. The details can be found in the Corporate Bulletins, but the main points are we don't attack anyone not "flashing", and we're careful to not attack anyone who is blue, green, or purple. Remember, attacking a non-flashing pilot in high-sec will result in your demise at the hands of CONCORD, or the forces guarding that high-sec system (EDENCOM, Empire Forces, etc).

We want you to have fun in our Corp and while playing. If you have ideas to make things more fun, please let us know.
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